One size fits all approaches don’t create lasting weight loss & wellness. It’s so important you discover what works best for your body. In the Overcoming Obesity Club we live and work by this philosophy. Not only do we know the facts about weight loss. Also we’ve each gone through our own weight loss & sustainable wellness journey. On March 3rd 2022, the eve of World Obesity Day, the Overcoming Obesity Club celebrates our one year anniversary of on Clubhouse. Since March 2021, every Thursday at 12pm EST we host rooms on a variety of obesity & wellness related topics.
Dr. LaTosha Flowers and I started the Overcoming Obesity Club with the goal of having honest, empathetic, and factual conversations about obesity, weight loss, and wellness. Within one month we were joined by a core group of moderators who share our passion for helping others overcome obesity. Our passion isn’t just driven by our professional experiences. Each moderator has their own personal journey with overcoming obesity & creating lifetime wellness. Everyone of us has a different weight loss & wellness journey. As you would expect given our unique lives and the complexity of body fat regulation.
To celebrate our Overcoming Obesity Club we’re sharing our weight & wellness transformations with you.
Dr. LaTosha Flowers,MD, Co-Founder & Featured Moderator

”I am happy to celebrate the inaugural year of the Overcoming Obesity room on CH. It has been my joy to support Dr. Sylvia and her dream to bring quality information to those who join us weekly. Our goal is, has been, and will always be to be transparent and inspire others to strive to live their best healthy life.
Cheers & Happy Anniversary to us!🎉”
Dr. LaTosha Flowers, affectionately known as “Dr.L” is a board certified family medicine physician with over 20 years of clinician experience, 3x bestselling author, and tea aficionado. She brings warmth & a wealth of knowledge to the Overcoming Obesity club stage. You can follow her @DrLFlowersMD on all social media. Her latest bestselling book is “Tea Rx: The Blueprint to Customized Medicine.”
("Dr. L" pictured with her mom size 18/20, now size 12. Image Courtesy of Dr. LaTosha Flowers)
Dr. Folake Taylor, MD, Featured Moderator

"I did not go on a weight loss journey. I went on a health gain journey. What a difference 2+ years makes! Late 2019 (bronze dress) vs Early 2022 (red dress). Chase health, rather than a certain body weight. If weight loss happens as a by product, it’s all good.
The body is very intelligent and knows how to reset itself, even with disability.
•Eat right-nourish, balance hormones, heal gut.
•Address critters in your body
•Feed your mind positivity My journey was that of mastering my autoimmunity, by healing my gut, balancing my hormones, and controlling chronic inflammation. Weight loss was a natural byproduct of that process. A very welcome one."
Internal Medicine Physician turned MS Educator| PCOS Warrior| Doc with MS
"Helping Women with Multiple Sclerosis attain a lower burden of illness and disability, through holistic living, and targeting root cause. " Learn more at folaketaylormd.com
Dr. Angela Clack, PsyD , Featured Moderator

"The pandemic may have been a setback for many, but for me it was a setup for my mental/emotional and physical healing and transformation. It was the community support, connections, and real time advice on health and wellness, nutrition, physical/resistance training by multiple fitness and wellness experts on the Clubhouse (CH) social platform. With my personal trainer, the introduction of intermittent fasting, and my whole change in my food lifestyle, I successfully released 80 pounds and have kept it off since 2020. What worked for me was community and embracing a new mindset. If not for the pandemic reset and the connections on CH, I know I would still try to figure this out on my own unsuccessfully. I am a happy camper!"
Psychotherapist, Fitness & Wellness Enthusiast
"I'm not a Fitness Professional, I'm a Professional that uses Fitness"
Follow her on Instagram at @drangelaclackspeaks
Dr. Kina Peppers, MD, FACOG

Dr. Kina is a living miracle. She has lost 70lbs+ after Sjogren's Syndrome and 40+lbs after a rare autoimmune disease Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) left her blind and paralysis. She relearned to walk, talk, practice medicine and reclaim her health and wellness. You can watch her remarkable story in this video which was featured on The Doctor's TV show. She regularly joins the Overcoming Obesity Club to share her powerful mindset tips, insights on women's health, and how to live phenomenally when you have chronic illness and obesity. Connect with Dr. Kina at www.drkinapepper.com
Coach Benita Jacques

Coach Benita Jacques is an overcomer! She has personally lost 100lbs, reversed insulin resistant diabetes, and hypertension. As a certified life coach, Coach Benita aka "Coach Nita" uses her personal experiences and professional training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help others overcome obesity through addressing unresolved trauma. "I coach individuals and small groups of people who are making real lifestyle changes such as eating healthier and including physical activity into their daily lives."
Connect with Coach Nita through her virtual business card.
Coach Rik Childs, Featured Moderator

Nine years ago Health Renewal Coach, Rik Childs was at his worst health. He and his wife decided to embark on a sustainable weight loss journey that started with gathering a diverse health team. "Know your numbers." Rik says. Rik developed a customized plan for sustainable weight and picked up many amazing wellness habits along the way.
Today he's also know as "The Airfry King" for the delicious air fryer recipes he creates. A powerful motivational speaker Coach Rik teaches lasting weight loss is possible with "easy hard work." Learn more about Coach Rik and Team Childs which he lead with his beautiful wife.
Brandon Wood, Featured Moderator

Brandon Wood is the world's best kept secret. We're so grateful he's apart of the Overcoming Obesity Fam. He lost over 200+ through mindset transformation, food shifts and embracing a fitness routine he could stick to. He's worked for years in the food industry. Brandon regularly shares insights on how to overcome triggers from food marketing. He embodies kindness and consistency. Also as a music lover, he's our DJ.
Brandon shares the follo reflection : “Hello my name is Brandon and I began my weightless journey in October of 2006. I lost 247 pounds in 2 years and 2 months naturally through nutrition and exercise. Over the years the most significant thing I discovered is consistency is the most important trait that I have developed. Consistency in movement, consistency in nutrition and consistency in mindset has allowed me to keep the weight off the last 14 years. Your Race your pace.”
You can follow Brandon on clubhouse and Instagram for mindset & fitness motivation.
Dr. Sylvia Gonsahn-Bollie, MD, Co-Founder & Featured Moderator

I'm a recovered yo-yo dieter and perfectionist. Pregnancy was the hormonal trigger that wrecked my metabolism. My "scale games" and dieting tricks didn't work anymore. I learned weight loss is so much more than "calories in vs calories out." Eight years later I know that embracing self-love, personalized science, and being true to what works for you is key to not only losing weight but also gaining a lifestyle you love and enjoy. I love helping other high performing perfectionist stop obsessing over the scale and embrace your unique wellness strategy.
You can learn more about the Embrace You Journey and Bestselling Book, "Embrace You: Your Guide to Transforming Weight Loss Misconceptions Into Lifelong Wellness."
I'm truly grateful for the Overcoming Obesity Club. Thank you to the amazing featured moderators who donate time weekly to inform and inspire others to overcome obesity and live a life of lasting wellness. Thank you to the 450+ members, guest moderators, and everyone who has visited Overcoming Obesity Club's rooms.

Please know at Overcoming Obesity Club we care because we’ve been where you are. We want you to win. Our goal isn’t to tell you to “Just do what I did it”. Weight loss & keeping it off isn’t one size fits all. We know that first hand. In Overcoming Obesity we:
help you push past the negative feelings &
give you the facts in a fun way
so you can create your winning weight loss & wellness plan. Join us on Thursdays at 12pm EST in the Overcoming Obesity Club on Clubhouse.
We are so excited to celebrate our one year anniversary during Obesity Care Week 2022 (#OCW2022) and PCOS Advocacy Day.
Room Replays
